Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police Officers (A-PREP)
The Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police Officers (A-PREP) is the provincial standard used to determine the physical suitability of applicants. The A-PREP consists of a pursuit restraint circuit that simulates a foot chase and an aerobic shuttle run.
For a detailed description of the A-PREP test please watch the A-PREP video:
As the A-PREP may require a maximal effort, prior to completing the A-PREP all applicants must have a medical doctor complete an A-PREP Medical Clearance Form. The Medical Clearance Form is valid for six months from the date it was completed. This form will be provided by CPS Recruiting.
To prepare for the A-PREP you can download the 6 weeks to a better Leger and the A-PREP Fit to Serve.
Applicants interested in attending an APREP Orientation, please contact
FAQs for the A-PREP are found here.