Run with a Recruiter

Run with a Recruiter is an opportunity to have a more intimate conversation with a recruiter about the details of the application process and any questions about a career in policing.

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Run with a Recruiter information sessions are an opportunity to workout, speak with recruiters and meet like-minded individuals interested in a policing career.

Each Run with a Recruiter session consists of a 5km run, bodyweight circuit and light stretching. Come ready with questions about the application process, recruit training, life as an officer and more.

Additionally, we offer Physical Training Sessions lead by CPS physical training instructors from our Fitness Unit. Instructors will conduct exercises focusing on different components of overall fitness and connect how they relate to the physical abilities required for frontline police officers.

These sessions provide interested applicants with an opportunity to determine the scope of their current fitness level for the APREP (Alberta Physical Readiness Evaluation for Police Officers) phase of the application process.

Upcoming Run with a Recruiter Sessions

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Cancellation Policy: We kindly ask for a minimum of 48 hours’ notice if you cannot attend a session you have RSVP’d for. Our events fill up quickly and cancelled spots will be filled accordingly through our waitlist. Please cancel through Eventbrite. If you have any questions, please email